*Award-Winning Logo Design at LogoLounge Book 12
Alamo City Comic Con or ACCC is a pop culture convention bringing celebrities and artists of the pop culture movies, TV, comics, video games and cosplay to San Antonio’s Downtown at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center. This is one of the largest conventions not only in San Antonio but also Texas and is one of the fastest growing conventions in United States.
The function of the current web page and app are ok but needs to be redesigned to be more coherent and connected so that they both interact with one another and promote the same brand seamlessly. The app is fundamental to the best experience of the event and what to do in the city as well as it needs to be advertised in the web pages for download so it can be downloaded for use during upcoming events.
ACCC is in need of re-branding its web page and app. I will focus on creating a more attractive and unified guest page for artists and celebrities page.
Social media should be live on the website home page so customers can see what's currently happening and follow the news feed live on the web page. Also, the home page should have sign up notifications to receive updates.
Logo Research
Typography and color
Desktop Home page
desktop guest page
Adobe Creative Suite
Photos by Kevin dooley and thedabastronomer on Visualhunt.com. Mock ups and promotional templates provided by Thestocks.im, CreativeBooster, Unsplash, Squarespace and Graphicburger
Special Thanks to my many professors who provided guidance and mentorship throughout the last few years.